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5 Benefits Of LED Lights For A Commercial Greenhouse

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Whether you need lighting for starting seedlings or if you plan to keep your entire operation going indoors, LED grow lights are the optimum choice when it comes to a horticultural lighting system. There are quite a few benefits when it comes to making the jump to LEDs.

1. Save Money

LED bulbs use less energy overall when compared to incandescent lights. Not only is this great for the environment, but it's also excellent for your bottom line. With the amount of lighting required for even a small commercial greenhouse, the savings in energy cost alone can be quite extreme when switching to LED. You will likely recoup your investment in the new lights in a couple of years.

2. Longer Working Life

LED bulbs tend to last much longer than other types of light bulbs. This is in part because LEDs don't operate at a high temperature, which allows for the mechanisms in the bulbs to last longer. Longer-lasting bulbs will save you money on replacements, but they also mean there is less work time wasted on bulb changes. You also don't have to worry as much that a burnt-out bulb will compromise your plants. 

3. Modulate Temperature

Certain types of grow lights can produce a lot of heat. In a commercial greenhouse, it's much more preferable to manage temperature separately from lighting. LEDs, as previously mentioned, produce much less heat compared to other types of light bulbs. You don't have to worry about the grow lights scorching delicate seedling leaves or cooking the roots of newly transplanted plants. 

4. Advanced Spectrum Options

Plants need light to grow, and most use every spectrum of light except for green. Red and blue light is especially important to a plant's growth, and certain plants perform better with other additions from the light spectrum. LED lights can be adjusted to provide light only in the spectrum best suited to the plant's growth, so you can virtually guarantee perfect growing conditions for your seedlings and plants. 

5. Configuration Versatility

Lighting configuration can vary depending on the type of plant and the plant's life stage. Seedlings require good overhead light and diffuse side lighting to grow stout and full — otherwise, they can become leggy and weak. Mature plants may do better with all-over light that penetrates the leaf canopy from all sides. Lights may also need to be adjusted for height and spread. LED fixtures can be reconfigured in different ways to meet these needs.

Contact a horticultural supply if you are ready to try an LED commercial growing lights system. Many have websites where you can read more about this process.
